Recommended sources for further study.
We can’t be “Sunday morning Christians”. We need to be engaged with God and His Word every day, growing to be more Christlike. As you go through your week, use these devotions to get you into God’s Word, to train you to have the mind of Christ, and to lead you in pursuit of Him.
As You Go…Weekly Devotions
Words of faith and encouragement from the congregation of Marion Baptist Church.
Beyond Sundays Blog
Are you a woman who is constantly beating yourself up over your flaws? Are you tired of allowing your flesh to control your life? Take the next 14 days and allow God to unravel the mess in you life. He alone can uncover the beauty hidden within that He desires to shine in this dark world for Him.
By Alicia Almanza
Like a Tree Planted: Psalms and Proverbs
Spending time in God's Word is vital for our walk of faith. The best way to get to know God is through His Word. This 31-day devotional contains devotions and photographs to take you through Psalms and Proverbs in a new and exciting way. These devotions will give you insights into the Scriptures, connecting them to your lives today.
By Mona Selden
Like a Tree Planted: Sermon on the Mount
Like a Tree Planted: Sermon on the Mount is a devotional based on Jesus' teachings in Matthew 5-7. Each devotion explores what Jesus is teaching us about how to live as citizens of the kingdom of God.
By Mona Selden
Living as Kingdom Citizens
Matthew 5-7, known as the Sermon on the Mount, records Jesus' teaching on how to live as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. This 4 week Bible Study takes you on an in-depth look at His teaching, going verse by verse, subject by subject.
Living as Kingdom Citizens is written as a companion to the devotional, Like a Tree Planted: Sermon on the Mount by Mona Selden. The devotions in the devotional are used to kick off your study of each subject.
By Mona Selden
Invited to Come
We all love to be invited to come whether it is to be a part of an event, to be with someone, or to receive something. In this book, we will look at the different invitations to come that Jesus offers. Jesus stretches out His hand and asks us to come with Him, to be with Him, and to receive from Him. This book explores not only what Jesus offers but what is required of us when we accept His invitation.
By Mona Selden
Southern Baptist Conservatives of Virginia Website
The SBC of Virginia is a fellowship of more than 800 local churches dedicated to the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
Grace A LOT Ministries
“A Hand Up” is the simplest phrase describing Grace A LOT. Our ministry doesn’t preach, but we do speak with compassionate action. Our supporting Christian congregations and community volunteers ensure a path forward for all individuals seeking more than a minimum existence.