Upcoming Events

Women's Bible Study
We will spend 6 weeks studying Psalm 119. Call the church or see Mona Selden to sign up.

Brotherhood Luncheon
Stay after the Worship Service and enjoy lunch prepared by the Brotherhood.
This luncheon is to benefit the Crider twins.

Women's Gathering
All ladies are invited to join us for a new monthly meeting. We will have a speaker, light breakfast, and fellowship. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall.

Journey to Bethlehem
Journey back to Bethlehem with us on December 14 & 15. We will have two presentations on Saturday: 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm. And a presentation on Sunday at 6:00 pm.

Christmas Night of Worship
Join us for a special night of worship led by our MBC Students.

Free Coffee Tuesdays
Come and drink coffee with us! Our doors are open every Tuesday at9:00 am.

Shoebox Packing Party
This year we are packing shoeboxes to benefit Blue Ridge Elementary in NC.

Free Coffee Tuesdays
Come and drink coffee with us! Our doors are open every Tuesday at9:00 am.

Dessert Night
Bring a dessert to share for our time of fellowship and fun.
Hall of Cavities set up will follow.

Free Coffee Tuesdays
Come and drink coffee with us! Our doors are open every Tuesday at9:00 am.

BBQ and Hot Dog lunch provided for a donation.
Trophies given for Best in Show, Pastor’s Choice, and more.
All proceeds will go to families in need.

Free Coffee Tuesdays
Join us for Free Coffee every Tuesday from 9:00-11:00. Stay for the whole time. Stay for a short time. Come and enjoy a morning of coffee and conversation.

Painting Club
Join Cynthia in the Fellowship Hall for a Painting Club on July 11 and July 18 at 2:00 pm.
This is for teens and adults only. Bring your own project and supplies.

Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School is coming!
Join us this year for our Star Quest on Sunday, June 23 through Wednesday, June 26 from 6:30-9:00 pm each night.
VBS is for ages 2 yrs - 6th grade.

Christian Men's Conference
The Annual Christian Men’s Conference is being held on Saturday, June 15. The theme for the morning is Mountain Top Men with workshops pertaining to Matthew Chapter 5.
Registration deadline is May 20. Call the church or see Pastor Hank to register.

Virginia Safari Park
The trip to Virginia Safari Park for Glow Kids and MBC’s had to be postponed.
The new date is Tuesday, June 11 from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Cost is $20 plus lunch money.
Sign up by June 5th.

Church Picnic
Help us kick off the Summer Season with a church picnic on Wednesday, May 29 at 6:30 pm.
We’ll provide the food, you provide the drinks.
*There will be no other activities or services on that night.

Men of Armor
Men of Armor are meeting again on Saturday, May 18 at 9:00 am. A light breakfast will be provided.
Sign up with Dan Holley or call the church office.

Virginia Safari Park Trip
Glow Kids and MBC’s are going to Virginia Safari Park on Saturday, May 18, 8:00 am - 5:00 pm. Cost is $20 plus lunch money.
Deadline to sign up is Sunday, May 12. Call the church office to register.