Children’s Ministries

At Marion Baptist Church, we are passionate about raising up our youngest generation to know and love God.

We provide age-appropriate activities for all of our children —from our littlest babies to our 6th graders.

We have a new nursery located upstairs, just down the hall from our sanctuary. This is open on Sundays and Wednesdays for all service times.

Downstairs, we have our Sunday School classes, Children’s Church, and Olympians/Gopher Buddies.

  • Sunday SchoolSundays at 9:45 am for all ages/grades

  • Children’s ChurchSundays at 11:00 am for PreK - 1st grade

  • Gopher BuddiesSunday nights at 5:45 pm and Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm for 2-3 year olds - K

  • OlympiansSunday nights at 5:45 pm and Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm for 1st - 6th grade