The Unexpected Gift

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son

that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

John 3:16, KJV


My Mama loved Christmas and loved getting gifts. Gifts, that is, she had asked for and expected to receive. When I was a teenager in the mid-eighties, I remember my Mama getting a microwave oven for Christmas. Microwave ovens during this time were finally affordable for average families. We thought it would be the perfect gift for Mama since she was always cooking for us. We thought she would love it because it would help make meal preparations so much faster. Boy, were we wrong! You see, Mama had not asked for a microwave oven and threw a complete hissy fit when she opened that gift.  

Maybe you are much the same way at Christmas. You expect one thing and receive something entirely different. But, sometimes unexpected gifts are the best kind.

 The Israelites had been waiting for over 400 years for a Messiah to come to save them. I am sure they were expecting anything other than what they got. I am sure they were expecting a royal king wrapped in a regal robe and riding in on a beautiful stallion. Instead, they received a lowly baby born in a stable to a young and unknown virgin. Who would imagine that a king would come this way?

 God in Heaven knew exactly what we needed. It was all part of His perfect plan set in motion before the foundation of the earth. God knew from the beginning of time we would need a Savior to save us from our sin. Who could possibly handle this seemingly impossible task? God knew that only He could save us, His creation, from eternal death. God sent His only Son Jesus wrapped in flesh, to show us how to live. He would live a sinless life to become the perfect sacrifice for us. God loved us so much that He used the unexpected gift of Jesus to bear our sin so we could have eternal life with Him.

There are still so many who are waiting for a Messiah not realizing that He is standing at the door of their heart waiting for them to accept His free gift of salvation. You may be uncertain of how life will change if you choose Jesus. Maybe you think that you can save yourself by getting a better job, making more money, buying the perfect house, finding the perfect spouse, or quitting some nasty habits. Trust me, there is nothing you can do that will save you from eternal damnation BUT JESUS!

 My mama finally gave that microwave a chance and found out it was an unexpected gift that made life in the kitchen a lot easier. I pray you will consider accepting the free gift of salvation this Christmas. This gift won’t necessarily make life easier for you, but it will give you a joy-filled life full of peace.    


Out With the Old; In With the New


The Greatest is Love