God Really Does Love Me
For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities— all things were created through him and for him.
Colossians 1:16, ESV [emphasis mine]
I am prone to skepticism and doubt. It simply could be the temperament that God designed me with. Or perhaps it’s evidence of the old man still writhing and wrestling within. Either way, the assurance that God actually loves me is often elusive. When I read landmark verses such as John 3:16, it’s easy to accept that God loves us all. But when it comes down to whether or not God loves me as an individual, doubt seeps in.
I am reminded, though, that Jesus didn’t just interact with large crowds of people. He came to individuals and made them feel seen and cared for. A man with leprosy asked to be healed, but instead of only healing the man’s illness, "Jesus stretched out his hand and touched him." (Matthew 8:3, ESV) Jesus made it a point to connect physically with a man who had been socially ostracized and likely hadn’t felt the embrace of another human being since the outset of his illness.
Yes, I can see that God loves specific individuals, but doubt isn’t quieted so easily. Frustratingly, I exclaim, “But does God love me?” Maybe you can relate to me. I have heard it said that believing that God actually loves us is one of our biggest problems in life. All of my sin has its roots in the lie I have believed that God does not love me. Since God does not love me, I can’t trust that He has my happiness and best interest in mind. God is holding out on me, and if I want to be happy, then I need to do things my way. We have not only our own lives as proof but also an entire world that testifies how our belief in that lie has led to nothing but suffering and death.
What we need more than anything is to truly believe that God loves us and delights in us. Reflecting on Colossians 1:16, God showed me that "All things were created through him and for him." If I have been created, I was created for Him. Since I know that I have been created, I also have confidence that God loves me because He only created things for Himself. God designed me and brought me to life because He wanted to be with me. I am loved.
You are loved too. If you have been reading this, you can be assured that God created and loves you as well. Take heart. God really does love us.